Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Baltic Sea Anomaly: The Escape of Glanke II

Glanke could hear other Antens singing in “high-notes”. On Glanke’s Home Planet, Flala, the Antens often “sing” by extending and connecting their Gaarlon Mouth to those of other Antens’. Together, sharing breathes they sing in high-notes that are made as they attempt to make a louder, harmonic sound called the Usepping Sound. Almost all Antens do this when they’re happy and communing.

The singers were gazing at the beautiful spectacle of gigantic Flala from the vantage point of her tiny moon called Nia. Nia was even more oxygen-rich than Flala, and was Glanke’s favorite of her four moons.

It was a peaceful evening and the bright-blue light of Flala made Glanke, united with the others, sing very high notes indeed—actually achieving the Usepping Sound. Glanke was overcome by the feeling of well-being.

Then, Glanke heard other sounds; they were also strange and enticing. They seemed to be coming from Flala. It was as if Flala herself was talking to Glanke—which of course was impossible. Then something amazing happened, Glanke actually heard Flala speak: “Awaken Glanke, awaken!”.

To be continued here.

If you missed The Baltic Sea Anomaly: The Escape of Glanke I, find it here: