More theories about the Mystery Missile: It was a missile fired by China: Frankly this hypothesis is weaker and sillier than any UFO-theory, because a missile launch would have been detected by radar from many military and civilian installations. Also, why? Why would China all of the sudden fire a missile at us? This would have been such a provocative act that it would have sparked a loud response from many, many quarters. Also, how could a Chinese submarine not be detected so close to a major metropolitan area lined with military bases? As much money as we owe China, we would think they would more likely to make sure we stayed in one piece, to be around to repay them.
It was a jetliner contrail: One thing is true, the most spectacular thing about this crazy "Roman Candle" is its plume. Called a Condensation Trail or a "Contrail", the vapor trail behind the object is accordingly smokey and fluffy. Virtually no one disputes the object behind the shiny thing on-top is some kind of contrail.
CBS, who has had the best reporting on this story, features Pentagon Spokesman, Col. Dave Lapan stating: "All of the [sic] factors together leave us pretty confident that this was a contrail left by an aircraft". This, apparently after checking with the FAA, Department of Homeland Security, Navy, Air force and The North American Aerospace Defense Command or "NORAD"
UPS MD-11 |
What do the real experts think? The website (I swear, UFO Blog not making this up!) provides an amazingly detailed study and analysis. Looking at every possible angle, they have determined the "Mystery Missile" phenomenon to simply be UPS902, a United Parcel Service Company MD-11, a three-engine plane "that can leave a contrail that looks like it's coming from one engine". Evidently, this airplane flies daily from Honolulu to Phoenix, on occasion scaring the hell out of everybody in L.A.
Imagine, finally, an explanation! Wait, what about the shiny thing on top? further explains this part of the phenomenon as being the reflection of the rays of the setting sun relecting from the body of the aircraft, like the sequence to right. The Mystery Missile is no more! Right?