Saturday, July 31, 2010

Great Ball of Fire!: The Return

Flying Saucer!Image by kurafire via Flickr
I want to see a real UFO like this.

I want to the that frightening Fireball again; or do I? No, on second thought I don't ever want to see something so frightening, so dangerous and something I may not survive "next time" again.

On the other hand, my friend, my only witness Orlando, did say that he thought this was not the last time he would see something in the sky again. He didn't seem to be impressed by what he said. I wouldn't mind seeing a "real" flying saucer, but a fire ball?

What haunts me is the orb started off looking very much like a regular street light and was moving at about 20-30 mile per hour (not really fast) horizontally across and along the river in the opposite direction (although it was difficult to tell because I was walking toward the south). How could it start off so small and end as a gigantic fireball. Here is a progression of stills I put together to study the UFO's trajectory. Note the "orangery" of the lights. This is where the UFO came from.
Below the "YouTubed" version. It's an edited version of a little bit of tape we shot at the site where I and my friend Orlando experienced our sighting. Something strange-even for a UFO! This video is us, excitedly returning to the site of our close encounter, trying to describe the object we saw; and contemplating the scene. It was eerie because we were not entirely sure if we would see the fiery orb again.

Also, I wonder, if any particles from this burning object touched our bodies. It was radiant and large. It burned for up to two minutes in front of us. Were we somehow touched by this monster?

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